Baby & Child Care Tips for Parents

How to buy a pushchair online

India Price,-Contributing Editor

Expectant parent with no idea where to start when it comes to buying a pushchair online? Welcome. Here’s everything to look out for

Buying a buggy: a huge purchase and a bigger responsibility. This is something that your baby will use for years – basically until they’re too stubborn to do what you (politely) ask them to do. It’s got to be comfortable and easy to use, and has to look good.

There are a lot of brands out there and even if you know which one you want to go for, there are still tons of different designs to choose from. A lot of your decision-making will come down to where you live, how much space you have and, of course, budget and style. So let’s get into it. 

Your lifestyle is a massive factor in choosing which buggy to buy. Do you live in the countryside and do lots of walking on rough terrain, or are you based in the city and hopping on and off public transport?

Maria Allen,-Partner & Nursery Adviser

What is the first thing to consider when buying a pushchair?

First, consider flexibility. Many brands, including Nuna, iCandy and Bugaboo, have bundles on offer. These are where you can by a couple of different components for one price, so you don’t have to buy a whole new buggy after the newborn stage. Make sure you get something that has a bassinet (which they will be in for about six months), a pushchair for six months-plus (these should last them until they are out of the buggy completely) and, ideally, a newborn car seat (which you can often also attach to wheels and use as a buggy).

Think about the practicalities

‘Pushchairs range from very compact and lightweight with slender frames to larger and more sturdy with large baskets and plenty of storage space, so it all boils down to what is right for your lifestyle,’ says Rosy Dawkins, Partner & Nursery Buyer. ‘Think about where you will be storing your pushchair, if you will need to lift it frequently and how much weight it’s able to carry. Also consider the height of anyone who will frequently be pushing the pushchair, as an adjustable handle will make it more comfortable for all users.’

It might seem like a small thing, but knowing how easily a buggy is going to fold is essential to whether or not you buy it. If you plan to travel regularly, no matter whether that’s by plane, train or automobile, you’re going to want something that’s easy and smooth folding – preferably with one hand.

‘Larger wheels and chassis will be better suited to rough terrains (try the Bugaboo Fox or iCandy Peach All Terrain) but can still be easily used for everyday life,’ says Maria. ‘The larger wheels and suspension will glide over rough ground giving your baby a smooth ride. Smaller wheels and a more compact chassis (try the Bugaboo Butterfly or Babyzen YOYO) will make manoeuvring around a city and on and off public transport a breeze.’

‘Whether this is your first baby or you need to think about older siblings, it’s worth considering how the buggy can adapt,’ says Maria. ‘Can it be converted into a double pushchair if you have a second child while the first is still in a buggy? Is it possible for you to purchase a second seat to convert it to a double? Others might have a built-in buggy board for a toddler to stand on or you can add one on – the Babyzen YOYO does this well.’

Tried and test-driven

Mum-of-one India Price on finding the right set of wheels for her family

‘I may only have one baby, but it took me three buggies to settle on the right one. No joke. I was given the Nuna Triv bundle as a gift, which is brilliant. Our daughter slept in the bassinet for a while because she hated her moses basket and we had her in the car seat for 12 months, until she grew out of it. The stroller is great and Nuna is a brand I really trust.

‘We live in a basement flat with stairs, though, so when our child got a little bigger, the buggy was too bulky to carry up and down without being unsafe. We’ve kept the components in case we have another, or to give to our siblings if they jump on the baby train.

‘Next, we decided to follow pretty much everyone else who lives in London and buy a Babyzen YOYO. I liked this to travel with – it’s so light, compact and genuinely easy to use. My issue? It’s a tiny bit flimsy.

‘Eventually we landed on the Bugaboo Butterfly, which I love. It’s the perfect hybrid between the Nuna and the YOYO, lightweight for the city (and it fits in the overhead locker on a plane), but sturdy enough for the odd visit to the countryside. Plus – very importantly – it looks chic. Highly recommend.’

All Things Baby

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